Our Vision

Provide a world-class club experience that assures success is within reach of every young person who enters our doors. With all members on track to achieve Academic Success; demonstrating Good Character & Citizenship, and living a Healthy Lifestyle.

◎ Formula for Impact

The Formula for Impact is a road map the Boys and Girls Club Movement will follow together to ensure that youth achieve our priority outcomes of:

  • Academic Success
  • Good character and Citizenship
  • Healthy Lifestyles
What we do to keep children safe

Formula for Impact

The Formula for Impact is a road map the Boys and Girls Club Movement will follow together to ensure that youth achieve our priority outcomes of academic success, good character and citizenship, and healthy lifestyles.

Meet the people making it happen

Meet the dynamic team leading the Boys & Girls Clubs of East Alabama’s efforts to ensure every young person in our nation has the great future they deserve.

Board of DirectorsLeadership

An Organization Enriching Lives

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What We Do

Where We Serve

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