Each year one exceptional young Boys and Girls Club member is selected to be the National Youth of the Year. The National Youth of the Year serves as both an exemplary ambassador of Boys an Girls Club youth and as a strong voice for our nation’s young adults.
Disney, Toyota, University of Phoenix, and Taco Bell Foundation have helped Boys and Girls Clubs expand leadership development opportunities for more participants and scholarship funding for many deserving teens.
Youth of the Year participants embody the values of leadership, service, academic excellence, and healthy lifestyle. They also exemplify the impact that Boys and Girls Clubs has on young people.
As a result of our sponsors’ generosity, each state-level Youth of the Year, including regional military finalists, earns a $5,000 college scholarship. Each regional Youth of the Year, including regional military finalists, receive a $10,000 college scholarship (renewable up to four years). The National Youth of the Year winner receives a $25,000 scholarship (renewable up to four years).